Lawn Boy
When a 12-year-old boy's grandma gives him an old lawn mower for his birthday, he decides to start a lawn mowing business. Because what else are you supposed to do with a lawn mower? By the end of each week he makes five-hundred dollars. Lucky for him, one of his first clients is a stockbroker who offers to help him learn all there is to know about business, including investing-which can make a boy rich. But all that money can get trouble involved too. Big trouble.
Lawn Boy
Young Bibliomaniac gives Lawn Boy
do you think that this type of book would be a motivator to a boy as he grew older? it sounds like something i would love to have my boys read, maybe while they're young, so that the thought of investing will be exciting to them one day. this will be first on my list from your reviews to check out for them. thanks!
Lawn Boy motivated me! I bet it will work for your boys too.
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