Despereaux is the youngest in a mouse family. He is different than the other mice, he does not scurry or cower or do anything else a normal mouse would do. One day while trying to learn how to scurry, Despereaux meets Princess Pea and instantly falls in love. Unfortunately it's a big no-no to fall in love with a human when you're a mouse. Despereaux finds out that Princess Pea has been taken down to the dungeon by an evil rat and he knows is the only one who can save her. But can he?
I first read The Tale of Despereaux
Young Bibliomaniac gives The Tale of Despereaux
This book review blog is great!
I will be watching for more reviews. I have two sons and we are slowly building a library for them.
I have a question about the book "The Hatchet. I have heard good things about this book, but I have not read it. I noticed you gave it a four star review. What kept the book from getting five stars?
Thank you :0)
Hatchet is one of my favorite books. I gave it four stars because in certain parts it got a little slow. It's still a great story and I highly recommend it. Thanks for reading my blog.
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