Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson

When young orphaned Maia is sent to live with the Carters in the Amazon, she dreams of a happy life.  But dreams can't always tell the truth.  The Carters are horrible, Beatrice and Gwendolyn (A.K.A, the twins) only care about themselves.  Mrs. Carter is the same, and Mr. Carter is shut in his office all day.  To Maia living with the Carters is like a prison.  That is,  until she meets Finn, an adventurous runaway with two detectives on his trail. The crows, as Maia calls them, are trying to catch Finn and take him to his wealthy  grandfather. Can Maia help Finn escape the crows?  Can Maia escape the Carters? Find out in Journey to the River Sea

Journey to the River Sea is a GREAT mystery full of suspense, friendship, and adventure.  You'll wish it would never end.

Young Bibliomaniac gives Journey to the River Sea 4 STARS!


Mica said...

cool! Great review

paula said...

im so happy! im a librarian here in argentina and although is almost midnight i cant stop reading your reviews! i found your blog via your moms blog and i think is the coolest idea! a little boy writing books reviews. be sure ill keep reading...

Jill said...

Found your blog through your mom's and requested many of these books from our library. I read this one before my daughter and really liked it. Keep it up! We always love new book suggestions.

Miss Ra'chel said...

I am currently reading this book, an am greatly enjoying it. I am almost done with it and I waned to write something for it on my blog, so I searched Pinterest for a photo. One of the photos I pinned was linked to this post. :)
Thanks for sharing about the books you've read. I'm gonna go through your reviews/posts and see what else I can dig up to read. I just recently returned to the States from Costa Rica and am devouring all the titles can I lay my hands on. :) It's so nice to have a public library in ENGLISH so near to me.
Thanks again and I'll be checking in on your blog in the future. :)
[I know this is an old post, but I thought since I found your blog through it, it'd be ok to leave a comment. :)]