Something has been awoken deep beneath the hallways of Pordunce Elementary. Man or monster, nobody knows, and its up to Hashbrown Winters and his friends to find out what it is! Catching a ghost may seem like a long and dangerous adventure, but Hashbrown only has three days to capture the ghost, and find two very special hamsters or his treehouse is history! On top of all his problems, Bubblegum (an honorary member of the club) is moving in two weeks! Plus Hashbrown has most likely met his match in marbles when all-star player Melanie 'Thumbs' arrives at Pordunce. Hashbrown dislikes Thumbs and highly suspects her and her little brother, Nugget, of being the Phantoms of Pordunce (the ghost we talked about earlier). Will Hashbrown catch the ghost? Or will Hashbrown's treehouse be destroyed? All your questions can be answered in Hashbrown Winters and the Phantom of Pordunce!
This latest masterpiece of Frank L. Cole is hilarious, mysterious, action-packed and has a few twists. There are unsuspected enemies and new friends in the brilliant Hashbrown Winters and the Phantom of Pordunce!
Young Bibliomaniac gives Hashbrown Winters and the Phantom of Pordunce
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